Alcohol Consumption and Sexual Risk Behavior in an Aging Population in Rural South Africa

Type Journal Article - AIDS Behav
Title Alcohol Consumption and Sexual Risk Behavior in an Aging Population in Rural South Africa
Volume 25
Issue 7
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2021
Page numbers 2023-2032
We sought to characterize the relationship between alcohol consumption and sexual risk-taking in an aging population in rural South Africa. A cross-sectional analysis was conducted using baseline data from the Health and Ageing in Africa: a Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community (HAALSI) cohort. We elicited information on sexual risk behavior and self-reported frequency of alcohol consumption among 5059 adults >/= 40 years old. Multivariable models showed that more frequent alcohol consumption is associated with a higher number of sexual partners (beta: 1.38, p < .001) and greater odds of having sex for money (OR: 42.58, p < .001) in older adults in South Africa. Additionally, daily drinkers were more likely to have sex without a condom (OR: 2.67, p = .01). Older adults who drank more alcohol were more likely to engage in sexual risk-taking. Behavioral interventions to reduce alcohol intake should be considered to reduce STI and HIV transmission.