Association between cardiometabolic health and objectively-measured, free-living sleep parameters: a pilot study in a rural African setting

Type Journal Article - Sleep Science and Practice
Title Association between cardiometabolic health and objectively-measured, free-living sleep parameters: a pilot study in a rural African setting
Volume 5
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2021
Page numbers 2398-2683
To investigate the relationship between objectively-measured, free-living sleep quantity and quality, and cardiometabolic health, in a rural African setting in 139 adults (≥40 years, female: n = 99, male: n = 40). Wrist-mounted, tri-axial accelerometry data was collected over 9 days. Measures of sleep quantity and quality, and physical activity were extracted from valid minute-by-minute data. Self-reported data included behavioural, health and socio-demographic variables. Biological data included body composition, resting blood pressure and fasting blood glucose, insulin and lipids. Logistic regression models were constructed with insulin resistance (IR) and cardiometabolic (CM) risk, as dependent variables, adjusting for socio-demographic, behavioural and biological factors.