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Draper, C. E, S. A Tomaz, R. A Jones, T. Hinkley, R. Twine, K. Kahn, and S. A Norris. "Cross-sectional associations of physical activity and gross motor proficiency with adiposity in South African children of pre-school age." Public Health Nutr 22, no. 4 (2019).
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Draper, C. E, S. A Tomaz, M. Stone, T. Hinkley, R. A Jones, J. Louw, R. Twine, K. Kahn, and S. A Norris. "Developing Intervention Strategies to Optimise Body Composition in Early Childhood in South Africa." (2017) Biomed Res Int.
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Journal Article
Tomaz, S. A, T. Hinkley, R. A Jones, R. Twine, K. Kahn, S. A Norris, and C. E Draper. "Objectively Measured Physical Activity in South African Children Attending Preschool and Grade R: Volume, Patterns, and Meeting Guidelines." Pediatr Exerc Sci 32, no. 3 (2020).
Journal Article
Tomaz, S. A, T. Hinkley, R. A Jones, E. D Watson, R. Twine, K. Kahn, S. A Norris, and C. E Draper. "Screen Time and Sleep of Rural and Urban South African Preschool Children." Int J Environ Res Public Health 17, no. 15 (2020).
Journal Article
Tomaz, S. A, R. A Jones, T. Hinkley, R. Twine, K. Kahn, S. A Norris, and C. E Draper. "Physical activity in early childhood education and care settings in a low-income, rural South African community: an observational study." Rural Remote Health 19, no. 4 (2019).
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Rae, D. E, S. A Tomaz, R. A Jones, T. Hinkley, R. Twine, K. Kahn, S. A Norris, and C. E Draper. "Sleep and BMI in South African urban and rural, high and low-income preschool children." BMC Public Health 21, no. 1 (2021).
Journal Article
Tomaz, S. A, R. A Jones, T. Hinkley, S. L Bernstein, R. Twine, K. Kahn, S. A Norris, and C. E Draper. "Gross motor skills of South African preschool-aged children across different income settings." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 22, no. 6 (2019): 689-694.
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