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Journal Article
Basera, T. J, K. Schmitz, J. Price, M. Willcox, E. N Bosire, A. Ajuwon, M. Mbule, A. Ronan, F. Burtt, E. Scheepers, and J. Igumbor. "Community surveillance and response to maternal and child deaths in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review." PLoS One 16, no. 3 (2021).
Journal Article
Ngcobo, S., S. Scheepers, N. Mbatha, E. Grobler, and T. Rossouw. "Roles, Barriers, and Recommendations for Community Health Workers Providing Community-Based HIV Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review." AIDS Patient Care STDS 36, no. 4 (2022): 130-144.
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