
Showing 1-30 of 44
Journal Article
Abler, L., L. Hill, S. Maman, R. DeVellis, R. Twine, K. Kahn, C. MacPhail, and A. Pettifor. "Hope Matters: Developing and Validating a Measure of Future Expectations Among Young Women in a High HIV Prevalence Setting in Rural South Africa (HPTN 068)." AIDS Behav 21, no. 7 (2017): 2156-2166.
Journal Article
Giovenco, D., K. Kahn, J. P Hughes, C. MacPhail, R. Wagner, and A. Pettifor. "Self-Esteem as an Indicator of Transactional Sex Among Young Women in Rural South Africa (HPTN 068)." AIDS Behav 24, no. 3 (2020): 823-826.
Journal Article
Cholera, R., B. W Pence, B. N Gaynes, J. Bassett, N. Qangule, A. Pettifor, C. Macphail, and W. C Miller. "Depression and Engagement in Care Among Newly Diagnosed HIV-Infected Adults in Johannesburg, South Africa." AIDS Behav 21, no. 6 (2017): 1632-1640.
Journal Article
Gottert, A., C. Barrington, H. L McNaughton-Reyes, S. Maman, C. MacPhail, S. A Lippman, K. Kahn, R. Twine, and A. Pettifor. "Gender Norms, Gender Role Conflict/Stress and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Men in Mpumalanga, South Africa." AIDS Behav 22, no. 6 (2018).
Journal Article
DeLong, S. M, K. A Powers, B. W Pence, S. Maman, K. L Dunkle, A. Selin, R. Twine, R. G Wagner, F. X Gomez-Olive, C. MacPhail, K. Kahn, and A. Pettifor. "Longitudinal Trajectories of Physical Intimate Partner Violence Among Adolescent Girls in Rural South Africa: Findings From HPTN 068." J Adolesc Health 67, no. 1 (2020): 69-75.
Journal Article
Hill, L. M, L. Abler, S. Maman, R. Twine, K. Kahn, C. MacPhail, and A. Pettifor. "Hope, the Household Environment, and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Young Women in Rural South Africa (HPTN 068)." AIDS Behav 22, no. 6 (2018).
Journal Article
Fearon, E., R. D Wiggins, A. E Pettifor, C. MacPhail, K. Kahn, A. Selin, F. X Gomez-Olive, S. Delany-Moretlwe, E. Piwowar-Manning, O. Laeyendecker, and J. R Hargreaves. "Associations between friendship characteristics and HIV and HSV-2 status amongst young South African women in HPTN-068." J Int AIDS Soc 20, no. 4 (2017).
Journal Article
Hill, L. M, A. Gottert, C. MacPhail, D. Rebombo, R. Twine, K. Kahn, A. Pettifor, S. A Lippman, and S. Maman. "Understanding men's networks and perceptions of leadership to promote HIV testing and treatment in Agincourt, South Africa." Glob Public Health 13, no. 9 (2018): 1296-1306.
Journal Article
Fearon, E., R. D Wiggins, A. E Pettifor, C. MacPhail, K. Kahn, A. Selin, F. X Gomez-Olive, and J. R Hargreaves. "Friendships Among Young South African Women, Sexual Behaviours and Connections to Sexual Partners (HPTN 068)." AIDS Behav 23, no. 6 (2019): 1471-1483.
Journal Article
Lippman, S. A, H. H Leslie, T. B Neilands, R. Twine, J. S Grignon, C. MacPhail, J. Morris, D. Rebombo, M. Sesane, A. M El Ayadi, A. Pettifor, and K. Kahn. "Context matters: Community social cohesion and health behaviors in two South African areas." (2018) Health Place.
Journal Article
Giovenco, D., A. Pettifor, C. MacPhail, K. Kahn, R. Wagner, E. Piwowar-Manning, J. Wang, and J. P Hughes. "Assessing risk for HIV infection among adolescent girls in South Africa: an evaluation of the VOICE risk score (HPTN 068)." J Int AIDS Soc 22, no. 7 (2019).
Journal Article
MacPhail, C., N. Khoza, A. Selin, A. Julien, R. Twine, R. G Wagner, X. Gomez-Olive, K. Kahn, J. Wang, and A. Pettifor. "Cash transfers for HIV prevention: what do young women spend it on? Mixed methods findings from HPTN 068." BMC Public Health 18, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Goin, D. E, R. M Pearson, M. G Craske, A. Stein, A. Pettifor, S. A Lippman, K. Kahn, T. B Neilands, E. L Hamilton, A. Selin, C. MacPhail, R. G Wagner, F. X Gomez-Olive, R. Twine, J. P Hughes, Y. Agyei, O. Laeyendecker, S. Tollman, and J. Ahern. "Depression and Incident HIV in Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HIV Prevention Trials Network 068: Targets for Prevention and Mediating Factors." Am J Epidemiol 189, no. 5 (2020): 422-432.
Journal Article
Mooney, A. C, A. Gottert, N. Khoza, D. Rebombo, J. Hove, A. J Suarez, R. Twine, C. MacPhail, S. Treves-Kagan, K. Kahn, A. Pettifor, and S. A Lippman. "Men's Perceptions of Treatment as Prevention in South Africa: Implications for Engagement in HIV Care and Treatment." AIDS Educ Prev 29, no. 3 (2017): 274-287.
Journal Article
Jennings, L., A. Pettifor, E. Hamilton, T. D Ritchwood, F. X Gomez-Olive, C. MacPhail, J. Hughes, A. Selin, K. Kahn, and Hptn Study Team. "Economic Resources and HIV Preventive Behaviors Among School-Enrolled Young Women in Rural South Africa (HPTN 068)." AIDS Behav 21, no. 3 (2017): 665-677.
Journal Article
Treves-Kagan, S., A. M El Ayadi, A. Pettifor, C. MacPhail, R. Twine, S. Maman, D. Peacock, K. Kahn, and S. A Lippman. "Gender, HIV Testing and Stigma: The Association of HIV Testing Behaviors and Community-Level and Individual-Level Stigma in Rural South Africa Differ for Men and Women." AIDS Behav 21, no. 9 (2017): 2579-2588.
Journal Article
Khoza, M. N, S. Delany-Moretlwe, F. Scorgie, J. Hove, A. Selin, J. Imrie, R. Twine, K. Kahn, A. Kahn, and C. MacPhail. "Men's perspectives on the impact of female-directed cash transfers on gender relations: Findings from the HPTN 068 qualitative study." PLoS One.
Journal Article
Stoner, M. C D, K. Kilburn, L. M Hill, C. MacPhail, A. Selin, L. Kimaru, N. Khoza, J. Hove, R. Twine, K. Kahn, and A. Pettifor. "The effects of a cash transfer intervention on sexual partnerships and HIV in the HPTN 068 study in South Africa." Cult Health Sex 22, no. 10 (2020): 1112-1127.
Journal Article
Kilburn, K., M. Ranganathan, M. C D Stoner, J. P Hughes, C. MacPhail, Y. Agyei, F. X Gomez-Olive, K. Kahn, and A. Pettifor. "Transactional sex and incident HIV infection in a cohort of young women from rural South Africa." AIDS 32, no. 12 (2018): 1669-1677.
Journal Article
Lippman, S. A, T. B Neilands, C. MacPhail, D. Peacock, S. Maman, D. Rebombo, R. Twine, A. Selin, H. H Leslie, K. Kahn, and A. Pettifor. "Community Mobilization for HIV Testing Uptake: Results From a Community Randomized Trial of a Theory-Based Intervention in Rural South Africa." (2017) J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
Journal Article
Leddy, A. M, S. A Lippman, T. B Neilands, R. Twine, J. Ahern, F. X Gomez-Olive, S. M DeLong, C. MacPhail, K. Kahn, and A. E Pettifor. "Community collective efficacy is associated with reduced physical intimate partner violence (IPV) incidence in the rural province of Mpumalanga, South Africa: findings from HPTN 068." J Epidemiol Community Health 73, no. 2 (2019): 176-181.
Journal Article
Lippman, S. A, A. M Leddy, T. B Neilands, J. Ahern, C. MacPhail, R. G Wagner, D. Peacock, R. Twine, D. E Goin, F. X Gomez-Olive, A. Selin, S. M Tollman, K. Kahn, and A. Pettifor. "Village community mobilization is associated with reduced HIV incidence in young South African women participating in the HPTN 068 study cohort." (2018) J Int AIDS Soc.
Journal Article
Nguyen, N., K. A Powers, W. C Miller, A. G Howard, C. T Halpern, J. P Hughes, J. Wang, R. Twine, F. X Gomez-Olive, C. MacPhail, K. Kahn, and A. E Pettifor. "Sexual Partner Types and Incident HIV Infection Among Rural South African Adolescent Girls and Young Women Enrolled in HPTN 068: A Latent Class Analysis." J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 82, no. 1 (2019): 24-33.
Journal Article
MacPhail, C., N. Khoza, S. Treves-Kagan, A. Selin, X. Gomez-Olive, D. Peacock, D. Rebombo, R. Twine, S. Maman, K. Kahn, S. M DeLong, L. H Hillis, S. A Lippman, and A. Pettifor. "Process elements contributing to community mobilization for HIV risk reduction and gender equality in rural South Africa." PLoS One 14, no. 12 (2019).
Journal Article
Pettifor, A., S. A Lippman, A. Gottert, C. M Suchindran, A. Selin, D. Peacock, S. Maman, D. Rebombo, R. Twine, F. X Gomez-Olive, S. Tollman, K. Kahn, and C. MacPhail. "Community mobilization to modify harmful gender norms and reduce HIV risk: results from a community cluster randomized trial in South Africa." J Int AIDS Soc 21, no. 7 (2018).
Journal Article
Price, J., A. Pettifor, A. Selin, R. G Wagner, C. MacPhail, Y. Agyei, F. X Gomez-Olive, and K. Kahn. "The association between perceived household educational support and HIV risk in young women in a rural South African community (HPTN 068): A cross sectional study." PLoS One 14, no. 1 (2019).
Journal Article
Rosenberg, M., A. Pettifor, R. Twine, J. P Hughes, F. X Gomez-Olive, R. G Wagner, A. Sulaimon, S. Tollman, A. Selin, C. MacPhail, and K. Kahn. "Evidence for sample selection effect and Hawthorne effect in behavioural HIV prevention trial among young women in a rural South African community." BMJ Open 8, no. 1 (2018).
Journal Article
Sivay, M. V, J. M Fogel, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, E. Piwowar-Manning, W. Clarke, A. Breaud, J. Blankson, E. L Hamilton, K. Kahn, A. Selin, F. X Gomez-Olive, C. MacPhail, J. P Hughes, A. Pettifor, and S. H Eshleman. "Natural control of HIV infection in young women in South Africa: HPTN 068." (2018)
Journal Article
Sivay, M. V, S. E Hudelson, J. Wang, Y. Agyei, E. L Hamilton, A. Selin, A. Dennis, K. Kahn, F. X Gomez-Olive, C. MacPhail, J. P Hughes, A. Pettifor, S. H Eshleman, and M. K Grabowski. "HIV-1 diversity among young women in rural South Africa: HPTN 068." PLoS One 13, no. 7 (2018).
Journal Article
Treves-Kagan, S., S. Maman, N. Khoza, C. MacPhail, D. Peacock, R. Twine, K. Kahn, S. A Lippman, and A. Pettifor. "Fostering gender equality and alternatives to violence: perspectives on a gender-transformative community mobilisation programme in rural South Africa." Cult Health Sex 22, no. sup (2020): 127-144.
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