
Showing 1-18 of 18
Journal Article
Dzomba, A., A. Tomita, K. Govender, and F. Tanser. "Effects of Migration on Risky Sexual Behavior and HIV Acquisition in South Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, 2000-2017." AIDS Behav 23, no. 6 (2019): 1396-1430.
Journal Article
Ginsburg, C., P. Bocquier, D. Beguy, S. Afolabi, K. Kahn, D. Obor, F. Tanser, A. Tomita, M. Wamukoya, and M. A Collinson. "Association between internal migration and epidemic dynamics: an analysis of cause-specific mortality in Kenya and South Africa using health and demographic surveillance data." BMC Public Health 18, no. 1 (2018).
Journal Article
Moodley, Y., A. Tomita, T. de Oliveira, and F. Tanser. "HIV viral load and pregnancy loss: results from a population-based cohort study in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." AIDS 35, no. 5 (2021): 829-833.
Journal Article
Tomita, A., A. M Vandormael, T. Barnighausen, T. de Oliveira, and F. Tanser. "Social Disequilibrium and the Risk of HIV Acquisition: A Multilevel Study in Rural KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa." J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 75, no. 2 (2017): 164-174.
Journal Article
Tomita, A., G. H Leyna, H. Y Kim, Y. Moodley, E. Mpolya, P. Mogeni, D. F Cuadros, A. Dzomba, A. Vandormael, T. Barnighausen, and F. Tanser. "Patterns of multimorbidity and their association with hospitalisation: a population-based study of older adults in urban Tanzania." Age Ageing 50, no. 4 (2021): 1349-1360.
Journal Article
Tomita, A., A. M Vandormael, D. Cuadros, R. Slotow, F. Tanser, and J. K Burns. "Proximity to healthcare clinic and depression risk in South Africa: geospatial evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 52, no. 8 (2017): 1023-1030.
Journal Article
Tomita, A., A. Vandormael, T. Barnighausen, A. Phillips, D. Pillay, T. De Oliveira, and F. Tanser. "Sociobehavioral and community predictors of unsuppressed HIV viral load: multilevel results from a hyperendemic rural South African population." AIDS 33, no. 3 (2019): 559-569.
Journal Article
Tanser, F., A. Vandormael, D. Cuadros, A. N Phillips, T. de Oliveira, A. Tomita, T. Barnighausen, and D. Pillay. "Effect of population viral load on prospective HIV incidence in a hyperendemic rural African community." Sci Transl Med 9, no. 420 (2017).
Journal Article
Vandormael, A., T. Barnighausen, J. Herbeck, A. Tomita, A. Phillips, D. Pillay, T. de Oliveira, and F. Tanser. "Longitudinal Trends in the Prevalence of Detectable HIV Viremia: Population-Based Evidence From Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." Clin Infect Dis 66, no. 8 (2018): 1254-1260.
Journal Article
Kim, H. Y, G. Harling, A. Vandormael, A. Tomita, D. F Cuadros, T. Barnighausen, and F. Tanser. "HIV seroconcordance among heterosexual couples in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a population-based analysis." J Int AIDS Soc 23, no. 1 (2020).
Journal Article
Dzomba, A., H. Y Kim, A. Tomita, A. Vandormael, K. Govender, and F. Tanser. "Predictors of migration in an HIV hyper-endemic rural South African community: Evidence from a population-based cohort (2005–2017)." BMC Public Health 22, no. 1 (2022).
Journal Article
Dzomba, A., H Kim, A. Tomita, A. Vandormael, K. Govender, and F Tanser. "Predictors of migration in an HIV hyper-endemic rural South African community: Evidence from a population-based cohort (2005–2017)." BMC Public Health.
Journal Article
Birdthistle, I., C. Tanton, A. Tomita, K. de Graaf, S. B Schaffnit, F. Tanser, and E. Slaymaker. "Recent levels and trends in HIV incidence rates among adolescent girls and young women in ten high-prevalence African countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis." The Lancet Global Health 7, no. 11 (2019): e1521-e1540.
Journal Article
Birdthistle, I., C. Tanton, A. Tomita, K. de Graaf, S. B Schaffnit, F. Tanser, and E. Slaymaker. "Recent levels and trends in HIV incidence rates among adolescent girls and young women in ten high-prevalence African countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis." The Lancet Global Health 7, no. 11 (2019): e1521-e1540.
Journal Article
Cuadros, D. F, A. Tomita, A. Vandormael, R. Slotow, J. K Burns, and F. Tanser. "Spatial structure of depression in South Africa: A longitudinal panel survey of a nationally representative sample of households." Scientific Reports 9, no. 1 (2019).
Journal Article
Dzomba, D., A. Tomita, A. Vandormael, K. Govender, and F. Tanser. "Effect of ART scale-up and female migration intensity on risk of HIV acquisition: results from a population-based cohort in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." BMC Public Health 19, no. 1 (2019).
Journal Article
Tomita, A., A. M Vandormael, D. Cuadros, E. Di Minin, V. Heikinheimo, F. Tanser, R. Slotow, and J. K Burns. "Green environment and incident depression in South Africa: a geospatial analysis and mental health implications in a resource-limited setting." The Lancet Planetary Health 1, no. 4 (2017): e152-e162.
Journal Article
Kim, H., F. Tanser, A. Tomita, A. Vandormael, and D. F Cuadros. "Beyond HIV prevalence: identifying people living with HIV within underserved areas in South Africa." BMJ Global Health 6, no. 4 (2021).
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