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Audet, C. M, B. E Shepherd, M. H Aliyu, M. Moshabela, M. J Pettapiece-Phillips, and R. G Wagner. "Healer-led vs. clinician-led training to improve personal protective equipment use among traditional healers in South Africa: a randomized controlled trial protocol." Glob Health Action 14, no. 1 (2021).
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Tanser, F., A. Vandormael, D. Cuadros, A. N Phillips, T. de Oliveira, A. Tomita, T. Barnighausen, and D. Pillay. "Effect of population viral load on prospective HIV incidence in a hyperendemic rural African community." Sci Transl Med 9, no. 420 (2017).
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Schultze, A., R. Paredes, C. Sabin, A. N Phillips, D. Pillay, N. Mackie, A. Castagna, D. Chadwick, K. Falconer, A. M Geretti, F. A Post, T. Hill, O. Kirk, A. Pozniak, M. Nelson, A. Tostevin, D. Dunn, J. Lundgren, and A. Cozzi-Lepri. "The association between detected drug resistance mutations and CD4(+) T-cell decline in HIV-positive individuals maintained on a failing treatment regimen." Antivir Ther 23, no. 2 (2018): 105-116.
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Vandormael, A., T. Barnighausen, J. Herbeck, A. Tomita, A. Phillips, D. Pillay, T. de Oliveira, and F. Tanser. "Longitudinal Trends in the Prevalence of Detectable HIV Viremia: Population-Based Evidence From Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." Clin Infect Dis 66, no. 8 (2018): 1254-1260.
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Audet, C. M, B. E Shepherd, M. H Aliyu, M. Moshabela, M. J Pettapiece-Phillips, and R. G Wagner. "HIV drug resistance levels in adults failing first-line antiretroviral therapy in an urban and a rural setting in South Africa." HIV Med 18, no. 2 (2017): 104-114.
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