
Showing 1-14 of 14
Journal Article
Angotti, N., S. A Mojola, E. Schatz, J. R Williams, and F. X Gomez-Olive. "'Taking care' in the age of AIDS: older rural South Africans' strategies for surviving the HIV epidemic." Cult Health Sex 20, no. 3 (2018): 262-275.
Journal Article
Houle, B., S. A Mojola, N. Angotti, E. Schatz, F. X Gomez-Olive, S. J Clark, J. R Williams, C. Kabudula, S. Tollman, and J. Menken. "Sexual behavior and HIV risk across the life course in rural South Africa: trends and comparisons." AIDS Care 30, no. 11 (2018): 1435-1443.
Journal Article
Gomez-Olive, F. X, B. Houle, M. Rosenberg, C. Kabudula, S. Mojola, J. K Rohr, S. Clark, N. Angotti, E. Schatz, K. Kahn, T. Barnighausen, and J. Menken. "Brief Report: HIV Incidence Among Older Adults in a Rural South African Setting: 2010-2015." J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 85, no. 1 (2020): 18-22.
Journal Article
Mojola, S. A, N. Angotti, D. Denardo, E. Schatz, and F. X Gomez Olive. "The end of AIDS? HIV and the new landscape of illness in rural South Africa." Glob Public Health 17, no. 1 (2022).
Journal Article
Houle, B., S. T Yu, N. Angotti, E. Schatz, C. W Kabudula, F. X Gomez-Olive, S. J Clark, J. Menken, and S. A Mojola. "Clusters of HIV Risk and Protective Sexual Behaviors in Agincourt, Rural South Africa: Findings from the Ha Nakekela Population-Based Study of Ages 15 and Older." Arch Sex Behav 49, no. 6 (2020): 2057-2068.
Journal Article
Schatz, E., I. David, N. Angotti, F. X Gomez-Olive, and S. A Mojola. "From "Secret" to "Sensitive Issue": Shifting Ideas About HIV Disclosure Among Middle-Aged and Older Rural South Africans in the Era of Antiretroviral Treatment." J Aging Health 34, no. 1 (2022): 14-24.
Journal Article
Schatz, E., B. Houle, S. A Mojola, N. Angotti, and J. Williams. "How to "Live a Good Life": Aging and HIV Testing in Rural South Africa." J Aging Health 31, no. 4 (2019): 709-732.
Journal Article
Schatz, E., L. Knight, R. F Belli, and S. A Mojola. "Assessing the feasibility of a life history calendar to measure HIV risk and health in older South Africans." PLoS One 15, no. 1 (2020).
Journal Article
Denardo, D., S. A Mojola, E. Schatz, and F. X Gómez-Olivé. "Antiretroviral therapy and aging as resources for managing and resisting HIV-related stigma in rural South Africa." SSM-Qualitative Research in Health.
Journal Article
Houle, B., C. W Kabudula, A M Tilstra, S. A Mojola, E. Schatz, S. J Clark, A. Angotti, F. X Gómez-Olivé, and J. Menken. "Twin epidemics: the effects of HIV and systolic blood pressure on mortality risk in rural South Africa, 2010-2019." BMC Public Health 22, no. 1 (2022).
Journal Article
Ice, E., S. A Mojola, N. Angotti, F. X Gómez-Olivé, and B. Houle. "Making Sense of Troubled Livelihoods: Gendered Expectations and Poor Health Narratives in Rural South Africa." Gender & Society 36, no. 5 (2022): 735-763.
Journal Article
Mojola, S. A, N. Angotti, D. Denardo, E. Schatz, and F. X Gómez Olivé. "The end of AIDS? HIV and the new landscape of illness in rural South Africa." Global Public Health 17, no. 1 (2022): 13-25.
Journal Article
Mojola, S. A, E. Ice, E. Schatz, N. Angotti, B. Houle, and F. X Gómez‐Olivé. "The Meaning of Health in Rural South Africa: Gender, the Life Course, and the Socioepidemiological Context." Population and Development Review 48, no. 4 (2022): 1061-1095.
Journal Article
Schatz, E., I. David, N. Angotti, F. X Gómez-Olivé, and S. A Mojola. "From “Secret” to “Sensitive Issue”: Shifting Ideas About HIV Disclosure Among Middle-Aged and Older Rural South Africans in the Era of Antiretroviral Treatment." Journal of aging and health 34, no. 11 (2022): 14-24.
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