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Journal Article
Akullian, A., A. Vandormael, J. C Miller, A. Bershteyn, E. Wenger, D. Cuadros, D. Gareta, T. Barnighausen, K. Herbst, and T. Tanser. "Large age shifts in HIV-1 incidence patterns in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118, no. 28 (2021).
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Cuadros, D. F, J. Li, A. J Branscum, A. Akullian, P. Jia, E. N Mziray, and F. Tanser. "Mapping the spatial variability of HIV infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Effective information for localized HIV prevention and control." Sci Rep 7, no. 1 (2017).
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Mogeni, P., A. Vandormael, D. Cuadros, C. Appleton, and F. Tanser. "Impact of community piped water coverage on re-infection with urogenital schistosomiasis in rural South Africa." (2020) Elife.
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Tomita, A., G. H Leyna, H. Y Kim, Y. Moodley, E. Mpolya, P. Mogeni, D. F Cuadros, A. Dzomba, A. Vandormael, T. Barnighausen, and F. Tanser. "Patterns of multimorbidity and their association with hospitalisation: a population-based study of older adults in urban Tanzania." Age Ageing 50, no. 4 (2021): 1349-1360.
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Tomita, A., A. M Vandormael, D. Cuadros, R. Slotow, F. Tanser, and J. K Burns. "Proximity to healthcare clinic and depression risk in South Africa: geospatial evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 52, no. 8 (2017): 1023-1030.
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Vandormael, A., D. Cuadros, H. Y Kim, T. Barnighausen, and F. Tanser. "The state of the HIV epidemic in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a novel application of disease metrics to assess trajectories and highlight areas for intervention." Int J Epidemiol 49, no. 2 (2020): 666-675.
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Vandormael, A., F. Tanser, D. Cuadros, and A. Dobra. "Estimating trends in the incidence rate with interval censored data and time-dependent covariates." Stat Methods Med Res 29, no. 1 (2020): 272-281.
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Tanser, F., A. Vandormael, D. Cuadros, A. N Phillips, T. de Oliveira, A. Tomita, T. Barnighausen, and D. Pillay. "Effect of population viral load on prospective HIV incidence in a hyperendemic rural African community." Sci Transl Med 9, no. 420 (2017).
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Kim, H. Y, G. Harling, A. Vandormael, A. Tomita, D. F Cuadros, T. Barnighausen, and F. Tanser. "HIV seroconcordance among heterosexual couples in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a population-based analysis." J Int AIDS Soc 23, no. 1 (2020).
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Cuadros, D., H. Kim, E. Wilkinson, D. Junqueira, T. de Oliveira, and F. Tanser. "The role of high-risk geographies in the perpetuation of the HIV epidemic in rural South Africa: A spatial molecular epidemiology study." PLOS Global Public Health 2, no. 2 (2022).
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Roberts, D. A, D. Cuadros, A. Vandormael, D. Gareta, R. V Barnabas, K. Herbst, F. Tanser, and A. Akullian. "Predicting the Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Acquisition in Rural South Africa Using Geospatial Data." Clinical Infectious Diseases 75, no. 7 (2022): 1224-1231.
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Cuadros, D. F, A. Tomita, A. Vandormael, R. Slotow, J. K Burns, and F. Tanser. "Spatial structure of depression in South Africa: A longitudinal panel survey of a nationally representative sample of households." Scientific Reports 9, no. 1 (2019).
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Tomita, A., A. M Vandormael, D. Cuadros, E. Di Minin, V. Heikinheimo, F. Tanser, R. Slotow, and J. K Burns. "Green environment and incident depression in South Africa: a geospatial analysis and mental health implications in a resource-limited setting." The Lancet Planetary Health 1, no. 4 (2017): e152-e162.
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Vandormael, A., D. Cuadros, A. Dobra, T. Bärnighausen, and F. Tanser. "HIV incidence declines in a rural South African population: a G-imputation approach for inference." BMC Public Health 20, no. 1 (2020): 1471-2458.
Journal Article
Kim, H., F. Tanser, A. Tomita, A. Vandormael, and D. F Cuadros. "Beyond HIV prevalence: identifying people living with HIV within underserved areas in South Africa." BMJ Global Health 6, no. 4 (2021).
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