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Journal Article
Micklesfield, L. K, R. J Munthali, A. Prioreschi, R. Said-Mohamed, A. van Heerden, S. Tollman, K. Kahn, D. Dunger, and S. A Norris. "Understanding the Relationship between Socio-Economic Status, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour, and Adiposity in Young Adult South African Women Using Structural Equation Modelling." Int J Environ Res Public Health 14, no. 10 (2017).
Journal Article
Prioreschi, A., S. V Wrottesley, E. Cohen, A. Reddy, R. Said-Mohamed, R. Twine, S. M Tollman, K. Kahn, D. B Dunger, and S. A Norris. "Examining the relationships between body image, eating attitudes, BMI, and physical activity in rural and urban South African young adult females using structural equation modeling." PLoS One 12, no. 11 (2017).
Journal Article
Said-Mohamed, R., A. Prioreschi, L. H Nyati, A. van Heerden, R. J Munthali, K. Kahn, S. M Tollman, F. X Gomez-Olive, B. Houle, D. B Dunger, and S. A Norris. "Rural-urban variations in age at menarche, adult height, leg-length and abdominal adiposity in black South African women in transitioning South Africa." Ann Hum Biol 45, no. 2 (2018): 123-132.
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Seabi, T. M, R. G Wagner, S. A Norris, S. M Tollman, R. Twine, D. B Dunger, and K. Kahn. "Adolescents' understanding of obesity: a qualitative study from rural South Africa." Glob Health Action 14, no. 1 (2021).
Journal Article
Munthali, R. J, M. Manyema, R. Said-Mohamed, J. Kagura, S. Tollman, K. Kahn, F. X Gomez-Olive, L. K Micklesfield, D. Dunger, and S. A Norris. "Body composition and physical activity as mediators in the relationship between socioeconomic status and blood pressure in young South African women: a structural equation model analysis." BMJ Open 8, no. 12 (2018).
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