
Showing 1-7 of 7
Journal Article
Albert, L. M, J. Edwards, B. Pence, I. S Speizer, S. Hillis, K. Kahn, F. X Gomez-Olive, R. G Wagner, R. Twine, and A. Pettifor. "Associations of Father and Adult Male Presence with First Pregnancy and HIV Infection: Longitudinal Evidence from Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Rural South Africa (HPTN 068)." AIDS Behav 25, no. 7 (2021): 2177-2194.
Journal Article
Stockton, M. A, B. N Gaynes, M. C Hosseinipour, A. E Pettifor, J. Maselko, S. M Mphonda, K. Kulisewa, M. Udedi, and B. W Pence. "Association Between Depression and HIV Care Engagement Outcomes Among Patients Newly Initiating ART in Lilongwe, Malawi." AIDS Behav 25, no. 3 (2021).
Journal Article
Cholera, R., B. W Pence, B. N Gaynes, J. Bassett, N. Qangule, A. Pettifor, C. Macphail, and W. C Miller. "Depression and Engagement in Care Among Newly Diagnosed HIV-Infected Adults in Johannesburg, South Africa." AIDS Behav 21, no. 6 (2017): 1632-1640.
Journal Article
Rucinski, K. B, S. R Schwartz, K. A Powers, B. W Pence, B. H Chi, V. Black, H. Rees, and A. E Pettifor. "Fertility Intentions and Clinical Care Attendance Among Women Living with HIV in South Africa." AIDS Behav 24, no. 6 (2020): 1585-1591.
Journal Article
DeLong, S. M, K. A Powers, B. W Pence, S. Maman, K. L Dunkle, A. Selin, R. Twine, R. G Wagner, F. X Gomez-Olive, C. MacPhail, K. Kahn, and A. Pettifor. "Longitudinal Trajectories of Physical Intimate Partner Violence Among Adolescent Girls in Rural South Africa: Findings From HPTN 068." J Adolesc Health 67, no. 1 (2020): 69-75.
Journal Article
Shangase, N., B. Pence, S. A Lippman, M. K Dufour, C. W Kabudula, F. X Gomez-Olive, K. Kahn, and A. Pettifor. "Built Environment and HIV Linkage to Care in Rural South Africa." (2021) Int Q Community Health Educ.
Journal Article
Stockton, M. A, M. Udedi, K. Kulisewa, M. C Hosseinipour, B. N Gaynes, S. M Mphonda, J. Maselko, A. E Pettifor, R. Verhey, D. Chibanda, I. Lapidos-Salaiz, and B. W Pence. "The impact of an integrated depression and HIV treatment program on mental health and HIV care outcomes among people newly initiating antiretroviral therapy in Malawi." PLoS One 15, no. 5 (2020).
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